Monday, 3 June 2013

Rhododendrons Recycled

When a customer takes against a shrub its days are numbered...

So it was with a rhododendron that we uprooted last week.  I never enjoy doing this.  However the upside was that said pink monstrosity (customer's opinion) had self-propagated.  Rhodies are shallow-rooted.  Where its low branches touched the ground they had started to grow.  End result - plenty of green garden waste, but also nine or ten free rhododendron cuttings, gladly given away. 

We took them. We have another customer who would love a rhododendron.  We mixed local topsoil (surplus from another job - patch turfing) with ericaceous compost, located as many large tubs as we could find on the plot and watered copiously. 

I am sorry we could not save the lilacs and the euonymus, but there is a limit.