I was cycling to my GP's surgery when I saw a notice in a driveway displaying free apples. So on the way back I stopped and filled a plastic bag with Bramley cookers and had a pleasant conversation with the homeowner, a complete stranger.
This was just one instance of the apples we have enjoyed this autumn, and not only apples but giant marrows, red onions, sweetcorn and runner beans. Because, as people who have rented allotments know well, a glut is a glut and sometimes you have to beg friends to take veg. away.
We need no prompting. Our trees, as I have mentioned, are only two years into their productive life and taking their time to establish. So I will take what's offered with gratitude and transform marrows into squash risotto, microwave red cabbage with apples in cider vinegar, bake almond apple cake, or oatmeal apple scone, or throw together a quick crumble enhanced on one occasion with quinces. It is possible to live well for less, with a little help from your friends and neighbours.