I decided to post some hopeful gardening signs during lockdown so am beginning with the anticipated beauty of sweet peas.
This year is our (my husband's) first attempt at growing sweet peas in the north west. We bought our packet of semi-dwarf (container) sweet peas at the local garden centre and he sowed them in proper seed compost in the greenhouse. This was the closest we have to the recommended October sowing in a cold frame. Most of them are now up and under sheets of glass recycled from old fridge shelves and other sources.
I am amazed, although I should not be, that they germinated successfully and look so strong. We even found that there were more in the packet than anticipated which leaves us extra for a spring sowing in March/April.
Joining them in the cleared greenhouse is our culinary herb container, thyme and mint, our 'rescue' jasmine which has been root pruned and regenerated and our latest experiment - a verbena which grew from a wildflower seed mix up through the rhododendron in the front hedge. I rather roughly extracted this and replanted it in a pot. It will die down eventually, I will cut it back and hope to see it shoot again.