Wednesday, 8 September 2021

September - Retrospect and Prospect

For my family who asked me what had happened to my posts....

September is a good month for taking stock and looking forward.  As always, there have been horticultural challenges. 

  • Our tomatoes took a long, long time and are now suddenly ripening all at once in this week's high temperatures.
  • Our cooking apple has three fruits - however this was to be expected as it did so well last year.
  • Our eating apple is again netted against the blackbirds.  Reduced yield here too but much larger fruits ripened and ready to eat.
Some successes too:
  • French beans have been great.  Thanks to Y and her memories of Aunt Berta's garden.  They flourished in the sun, as predicted.
  • Blackcurrants and raspberries did well.  Gooseberries got sawfly again.  Drat!
  • The blueberry has been magnificent.  It inhabits a specially constructed tent to protect from those pesky blackbirds.
  • Runner beans are also doing well.
  • Spinach needed several attempts but has finally overcome the 'leaf miners' and kale is as reliable as always.
  • Garlic and shallots produced a yield but I shall sow earlier and at the recommended spacing next time.
Looking ahead - 
  • My husband has just finished his next recycled raised bed for the greenhouse made from pine bunk beds.  This is purpose built for next year's tomatoes.
  • Yesterday we visited our usual source of horse manure and came back with plenty of bags.  There were no shovels left out and we forgot to bring a spade so he improvised with two fallen branches.  Next year we are anticipating a better harvest of squash and cucumbers with the addition of this special ingredient.