Friday, 8 July 2022

Pedestal Plant Stand

A family visit at the weekend led to us acquiring various useful 'bits and bobs' including two large sheets of glasses from a couple of redundant desks.

This was a challenge but my husband rose to it.  Very carefully we manoeuvred one sheet from the garage where he had safely stored it, round the corner, past the back door to its final destination in the patio area behind our French windows.

It now rests on rectangular tea chests given by S our neighbour that have been waterproofed with outdoor fence paint in a nice shade of oak.

Positioned on and around the the stand are our houseplants enjoying their annual summer holiday and pots of sweet peas interplanted with cornflowers - both yet to flower.

As I sit inside and look out on what has become a courtyard garden I am reminded of the period I spent in Holborn in the 1980s and early '90s in an extensive high-ceilinged town house, the home of what purported to be an upmarket management consultancy.  The desks were the self-same shade of oak and covered with tooled gilded leather.  Image was all.  Now imagination is all as here in our garden we repurpose, repaint and reconfigure to our hearts content.