I noted from the January pages of the RHS Allotment Diary that it was time to select seed for the coming season. So we had a stock-check and made some decisions on what we would like to grow. It reads like the fashion advice given in popular broadsheets, namely:
Out go plants that did not thrive last year. Cucumbers even when transplanted to the greenhouse failed to do well. Likewise our neighbour's blue green pumpkin which was disappointing when compared to our own saved winter squash. (It probably does much better on her allotment).
'Must haves': Winter Squash, Runner Beans, last year's discovery Pea Greenshaft, reliable Kale and Swiss Chard. We will try our own saved seed French Beans again, but we are a little too far north for these most summers. Salads are in particularly oriental salads, lettuce, rocket and my husband's greenhouse tomatoes Moneymaker and Gardener's Delight.
Sunflowers cheer up our front garden, so once again I will grow from saved seed; wallflowers too. Over to my husband for Sweet Peas.
Best Newcomer Second Early Potato. This year we will try Jazzy.
Why are we hanging on to these? This is a question I sometimes pose to my husband. Why did a friend pass on Catmint when we do not wish to attract cats? Hollyhocks - the triumph of hope over experience as far as my husband is concerned. Verbena Bonariensis - now seeding itself unaided into the cracks in our patio paving.