Friday 8 June 2012

Bamboozling the pigeons

Tidiness was paramount - as you can tell from my previous blog.  I used to wonder why other people left tall meadow grass around their gooseberries and did not cut out a nice little tidy circle at the base of each bush.  Now I know better.

Pigeons do not have many brain cells, in my opinion.   They like to go for the obvious.  Bright redcurrants or ripe gooseberries are an invitation, as is the bed of cabbage seedlings that I planted out and netted on Tuesday.  Netting everything is fiddly.  One day we may be able to afford fruit cages.  But in the meantime I am wondering is there a virtue in untidiness if it deters the pigeons?  Grass is growing around my gooseberries and redcurrants.  Strawberries are sheltered by mare's tail, a weed that I particularly detest.  But let's see if it works. 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds to me as if you are getting into permaculture without reading up on it.
