Glitter - I love the effect - particularly after dotting my artworks with glue and then sprinkling them with glittery fragments and holding them up to the light. Glitter poster paints are almost as satisfying: as I add red and green to silver and gold. It doesn't matter whether you are five or fifty-five; glitter is a good thing.
And this season's Christmas card manufacturers agree. At the last count at least five or more friends and relations have sent us cards with glitter on the Nativity, glitter on snowmen, glitter on frozen trees.
Christmas Sparkle says the card from our Essex cousins.
Sparkle makes things special. Little girls love it. Big girls searching for party-wear want it.
On Sunday evening, coming back from the carol service, I noticed the sparkle on the snow.
Today, as I walked in my wellington boots to the post box I wondered if I would be able to see the glitter again. Is it only in the dark, under street lights or moonlight that we are captivated by those icy crystals? Should we switch off the electricity and find God once a year and that only by candlelight?
There they were. All along the unbroken snow of the avenue, under clear midday skies were those scintillating temporary diamonds. As long as the snow blankets the ground, white as wool, they will be there. As long as the frost holds and the sun shines and you have a mind to look.
The final reading at the carol service is always the beginning of John's Gospel. John writes about the one and only, the verifiable Light. Why not have a mind to look?
I love the basket of blueberries....yummy. Congratulations on such a harvest. It shows real know how.