Thursday, 21 June 2018

Allotment at Home

I am beginning to hope that in our fourth summer in the north west that we have at last achieved the 'allotment at home' that was our dream as we instigated our move in summer 2014.  In this morning's midsummer sun my husband finished netting the ripening blackcurrants against our tame and friendly blackbird family.  He has already netted the strawberries against our not-so-tame or pampered pigeons.  My loose leaf cabbages are doing well in a raised bed, better than I recollect on our allotment and so far there is limited snail damage and no caterpillars. 

Our rocket is flowering as we get ready to save seed for next season.  Meanwhile cut flowers for the house bloom as our home-grown Sweet Williams and potted up 'rescue' pinks scent the air.  The broad beans, now propped up with twigs have recovered from the gales and are swelling their pods and the runners after a second start with fresh seed are beginning to twine up their twigs.

It is my great privilege to open the back door and pick my own 'living salad' from the salad crib and the raised bed where the spring onions have reached salad proportions.  They are topped up with the occasional local lettuce or cucumber from our store most times bearing a 'grown in Lancashire sticker'.

I am fortunate that we have the time, health and resources for all this.  My as yet un-realised dream would be to demonstrate to others that with faith, family and finance (for the essentials), home-grown food is delightful, do-able and delicious.


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