We celebrated my husband's birthday last summer with a patio party for neighbours and one kind gift was a spiny little cactus, labelled 'sunny cactus'. On closer examination the bright yellow flowers positioned at the top of each three cacti proved to be artificial. We removed these with a pair of small pliers and disposed of them. The cactus then sat on a sunny windowsill, as advised.
Last month I noticed that our cactus, which appears to go by the common name of Powder Puff Cactus or botanically Mammillaria had produced pointed buds which subsequently opened into a cluster of pink flowers.
My next challenge is to sketch it. I had the opportunity of a free two-hour adult education drawing class at our local library and have subsequently bought a sketch pad and pencils. The book I have borrowed takes me right back to the basics drawing squares and circles free hand. I need to progress to ellipses, starting with glass tumblers, before I can hope to draw the cactus and the pot it sits in.
Unlike artificial flowers, real flowers blossom and fade. I hope I have time to do this.