Monday 16 September 2024

Blackberry and Apple

From time to time we 'swop' plants with our neighbour at the end.  We gave her strawberry plants; she gave us a Heuchera and a Campanula for the front border.  We tried our chitted surplus seed potatoes, but life got complicated and we took them back.  However, when she expressed an interest in our Delphiniums we were delighted to oblige.  My husband split a clump and potted them up and we took them over. 

We came home with a thornless blackberry plant purchased from a supermarket at an unspecified time before.  I was not expecting this.  It is tempting fate to announce that there is no spare room for any new plants.  We did have a half barrel/container from the surplus potatoes and two large stakes which were at either end of the blackcurrants along the wall.  It was time to consult our organic gardening books and we (meaning of course my husband) repositioned the stakes, constructed a frame, tied in the old growth and eased the one new shoot upright.

In years to come, and I hope that time is some way off yet, we may not tramp the hedgerows in our wellies as we do now visiting our preferred blackberrying spots - the bushes that catch the sun, the places under sheltering trees, the former field boundaries by the industrial estate.  We will harvest from our very own blackberry without ditches, nettles or thorns.  

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