Monday 9 April 2012

Random Harvest

'Random' say the younger generation and 'cool'.  Cool under its former meaning I understand as soft welcome rain falls on our allotments this Easter Monday.  As for random - that has a meaning all of its own too.

This year, I congratulated myself on planning out a system for all three plots, consulting two organic handbooks and drawing up plans for proper rotation.  However, life in all its physical and spiritual dimensions differs from life on paper.  Kind neighbours - fellow gardeners and allotmenteers at church have given us onion sets, broad beans for spring sowing, and the promise of surplus seed potatoes.  Kind neighbours on the allotment left three packets of cabbage seeds with the invitation to take them having sown all they needed.  Somehow we will find room for them all.

Meanwhile spinach that lay dormant in the homegrown compost is dotted about the plots; sunflower seeds have sprouted where they fell after I left last year's seed head out for the birds, and the malvas I planted, whose young leaves the people of the Near East treat like spinach, are reproducing by the hedge. 

Chance favours the prepared mind, someone famous is reputed to have said.  But  it has been my experience that after all the preparation we need to make space for the generosity of God, through believers and non-believers alike, and through randomness, which we know is also included the plan. 

We are off in the rain after lunch to make ready for the potatoes.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - a lovely thought on "making space for the generosity of God". I appreciated that - it is also called "faith".

    I have finally bought a compost bin for kitchen but now I have to find out how to make compost in the garden without attracting vermin.

    Reading books is clearly key and the START website (Prince of Wales initiative) is inspiring me. Making new out of old is their theme.

    I am reading book "Making the Most of Shade" - you know our garden.... That title could have spiritual meanings too.
