Saturday 18 August 2012

Allotment Meditations - Prelude: getting there

I have just returned from a Quiet Day at the Chelmsford Diocesan House of Retreat at Pleshey ( and have been inspired by their circular walk and prayers.  Why not write your own, my friend suggested.  I thought, yes, I could have a go, based on the allotment.  Not everyone can visit the allotment, but you can visit this blog.  Here goes......  Oh, and before I start, the new illustration, taken by my husband,is his Hartley greenhouse, his pride and joy.

Sooner or later I will get to the allotment.  Some days it is easy.  I wake up, have breakfast, pack my cloth trug, water and suncream, put on a hat and I'm off. 

Sometimes, I want to sleep.  Blood sugars are high. Consequently I grumpily procrastinate. 

Sometimes I pull on my green wellingtons and walk in the rain. 

Whenever I get to the gate things are different.  I unlock and slide back the bolt and walk through to another world.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo and green house. It looks like a vine? Glad that you got away.

    I am creating a few borders and planting the "inner garden" with bird bath right now. tiring but v enjoyable. I havw given on on growing anything to eat as slugs ate everything. I might try salad next year.
